Friday, May 25, 2018

moving forward

so, as you could probably tell, i was absolutely furious in my last post and let the venom flow. now that i've gotten that out and off of my chest, i am going to work on moving forward from here. i've done what's been necessary to achieve that both short and long term, so that i won't be tempted to sabotage myself.

i'll still be writing about things in my life, but as for the consent issue, i'm going to let that fall by the wayside as i have established that it happened, and it was wrong. i won't continue beating this horse as it will simply become an issue of dwelling instead of solving.

part of this is an olive branch to a mutual friend who spoke to me on discord tonight, and another part is that if i don't start finding ways to move on, i'll be stuck on it forever. i won't grow from this, i'll be stunted and that just won't work out for anybody.

if i continue to hate, then i won't gain anything. if i continue to push this issue, then all that will happen is more strife between friends. and that's the last thing that i want. so, i am going to let it go. obviously there will be moments where something'll happen and i'll get cranky about it, but the odds of me writing about it may become slim-to-none.

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