Tuesday, August 21, 2018


apparently i'm pretty popular in some circles. popular enough to get comments here, that are designed to pick a fight.

let me just say this again, for the newbies being directed here at the whims of others:

my space is a privilege, not a right. i can, and i will, say whatever the fuck i want. i can, and i will, delete whatever comment i so choose. you don't like it? too bad, this isn't your blog and that isn't how this works.

if you want to talk to me, don't come at me trying to pick a fight being all high-and-mighty. i don't play those games, i'll just block and delete and carry on with my life.

if you were sent here under the premise of me being the goddamn devil, ask yourself one little question: why do you assume that they are telling the truth?

why is it so easy for you to believe that i am the bad guy here?

why do you choose to believe that i did something wrong?

what makes you think that they're right?

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