Wednesday, January 3, 2018

avatar upgrades

so over time on second life, my appearance has changed. initially i had the default standard avatar that i had signed up with, but i was given a new shape, a new skin, and clothes to get me by as a more customized appearance. with an animation over-rider to make her move about and seem more natural, i fell in love in a way.

i collected hairs and outfits, and slowly over the course of a year i started growing dissatisfied with my avatar. with the ever updating firestorm viewers with nicer and nicer graphics, my avatar started looking like something from a 1990s video game. it was awful! so i saved up my lindens while buying little items until i could get a mesh body. maitreya, to be exact, since i didn't know about the other ones at the time, but was the one i liked best. so now i had a standard head and a beautiful body. i was okay with this, for a time. in fact i went into greater detail here:

but after a while it looked ridiculous. so i saved and saved, until i had enough lindens to buy a head, with a skin that was pretty close to the original one that i had gotten very attached to. so, after spending three thousand on a head, and a thousand on a skin, i had upgraded once again.

there are so many more photos with this new head, i was overjoyed. i didn't think i needed to keep changing myself, i was content. i loved the different makeups, the outfits, the hair. it was perfect, in a way. i love the shit out of how bright my eyes look, and it amuses me to no end that in every photo, it looks like i'm smirking.

i decided to go looking at the LAQ store on a whim recently, since they actually had one and since that was the kind of head i had, i wandered around looking at makeup, skins, and the new super expensive bento heads. then something caught my eye. there was a crowd of people clustered around one of the boards, and as i paused to grab a demo (that i threw away after trying on because it was awful), i decided to cam over and find out why.

there was a sale going on, and instead of 5,000 linden for a bento head, it was 500. needless to say i didn't bother with a demo, i bought the freaking thing.

i'm still toying with the appearance, but i kind of like it. there are things that i prefer with the other mesh head, but this one has better quality animations built into it and the eye shadow looks superb on it.

so now i am version 4.0 with a bento head, bento hands, and a maitreya mesh body.

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