Tuesday, November 20, 2018


i know i haven't posted anything at all this month. this year i was all about blogging my feelings and my various emotions, but with the blowup earlier this year it kind of killed it for me. it was very draining to know my words were being gone over with a fine tooth comb, people searching for something i've said or allegedly alluded to so they can fuel their agendas.

every time when i thought it would be over and i could relax, i'd get wind of yet another hissy fit because of my words. it was exhausting having to watch what i said on my own blog just to avoid blowups. i hated censoring myself, and i very much resent the person who caused me to do so.

over and over i kept hearing, "be the bigger person. you're better than her" when she and her cohorts were allowed to do whatever they wanted. it was exhausting showing more grace and maturity over an issue that didn't actually involve me.

yes, i have some petty entries. i'm a human being who got fed up with having to be more mature than a forty-three year old cesspool of a human being. of course i have an entry trolling her and her flying monkeys. why wouldn't i?

there's absolutely no reason to put my ass on a pedestal and demand that i be infallible while shitstain on wheels got to be completely monstrous to me. i hated every second of it, and i resented a lot of people for it.

as more time passed and her posse showed no signs of slowing, i got madder and madder. i kept asking why i had to be the adult, when this is my damn blog and the only way to read it is with the link. so i started another blog with no ties to this one, and only gave a trusted few the link.

it didn't really help. i just couldn't shake the anger over nearly abandoning a place of peace for me, just because a fat fucking cow hopped on her broom and decided to have a problem with me. i'm sick of people telling me that i have to be nice, i have to rise above, i can't retaliate.

fuck every single one of you who harped that, by the way.

it ended up boiling down to me not posting so that bitch for brains and her fuckstain of a fuckbuddy would leave me alone for good. well i ain't done yet, and i really don't have time for anymore bullshit from either of them.

am i going to go out of my way to bug those two idiots? nope. if they're still reading my blog then they can go fuck themselves with the last vestiges of their dignity because i'm drawing the line. this is my blog. i talk about what i want. and the only way i'm gonna be able to truly move on from this is when they get their ultimate comeuppance.

i already have one thing to celebrate about as their lives fall apart, and it's only a matter of time before i get a second one. may both of those assholes rot in the furthest point of hell.

1 comment:

  1. This is your space. Do as you like here. As for the monkey squadron.

    Hey, idiots. It's like gay marriage. Don't like it? Don't marry someone of the same sex. Don't like this blog, or what you've read here before? Then don't read it.

    So simple even a simpleton could get it.
