Wednesday, March 7, 2018

lil miss thang+other stuff

so, the first part of this entry will be in response to io's post here. she touched on someone i've decided to dub hypnocunt. (btw spitfire if you have a thing set where my posts notify you, totally not sorry about any beverages sprayed out your nose.) basically back in december hypnocunt tried to hypnotize me against my will for whatever reason, but what the dumbass didn't take into account is 1) reading text on a page will not do that to me, you dumb fucking nut, 2) it was very easy to ignore said wall of boring-ass text, 3) i spent twenty minutes browsing the marketplace waiting for her to shut the fuck up.

i kept quiet about it for a little while, until there was a convenient reason for me to bring it up in reference to the other shit she's been pulling. i'm fairly certain she's on her way out, but since i don't stick around that place unless i'm spinning tunes, i wouldn't know for sure. nor do i actually care, but since she likes to fuck with my waifu, you can bet your ass i'm gonna start poking the bear. just in my weird way which means sass, snark, and spying because i have no life.

i was part of their discord server for a while, but i left it because it was just a giant circle-jerk of hypnocunt and her brainwashed puppets. no, i'm not using that word lightly. i mean brainwashed because these poor souls have been hypnotized into mindless drones that have less free will than the entire collective. i'm pretty sure io was the one who mentioned she's jealous that io squeals with delight when her owner comes on, and i fired back with "that's because you're treated like something wonderful and precious, not a sack of dog crap." (disclaimer: that's a paraphrase as i don't remember exactly what i said and i'm too lazy to go find the chat log.)

either way, when someone treats their pets poorly, they will not be greeted with enthusiasm, nor will they come happily when called. hypnocunt just uses what she's dubbed as her toys, and doesn't get why they keep breaking. news flash: treat them like people, you fucking fuck.


spitfire's been in a dark place lately. i was voluntold to help her to keep her in the here and now, but i gave my standard "i'm pretending to agree with you so you'll fuck off" response and didn't reach out. not that i don't care about spitfire, because i do, with her as my metamour and as my friend i care a lot about her, but i have not been in the mindset to help anyone aside from professionally.

and i'm sorry spifi. i'm sorry that when i should have reached out to you, that i shrank away instead and let io take the fallout. i just have not been able to be.. me. the me you both know and love. the vibrant trickster, silver-tongued and always up for mischief. the me you know. not the me i've become as of late. and i hate it.

bryan left today for a week-long trip, and i'm his hostess backup. so, naturally, because i haven't been to sleep yet as of this posting, that's not going well and it hasn't even been a day yet. i warned bryan i would do my best to step in, but with everything that's been going on, the best i can do is send out his notices. so i guess at least there's that. i even told him i would probably miss shifts, and he reassured me to just do what i can. he's so awesome about that.

i don't even know if i can really talk about what's going on. i've just been so incredibly stressed out from college that i am doing everything in my power just to hang on to what little bits of control i have left. and to be honest that's all i'm gonna say about this because i absolutely DO NOT want to be pestered about it. i don't want to be imed asking me if i'm okay, what's going on, can you do blah blah. i won't be able to handle it.


for those of you who read concubine part 1, i am working on part two, i just got a little bit stuck and with my mood being shit lately i haven't really worked on it. i'm most of the way through the chapter, just fleshing out more scenes and getting to a good word length before starting on chapter three. i don't really have an overall plot or story in mind, i'm just typing what comes to me and pushing out a story.

if any of you were curious, or had already figured out, yes i am using my avatar as the basis for the main character. i will try to include one photo per chapter to lend a sense of realness to my story, but in a way that doesn't detract from the fantasy. the king is based off of someone i know, so i am probably going to end up posting photos of him and i for the purposes of my concubine story.

he knows that the character is based off of him, and he doesn't really care about the photos since i don't get a lot of interaction on my blog anyways, lol. but i assure you, dear reader, that i haven't forgotten it. it's sitting in my draft area right now, and when i can i do add to it. just know that there is no set time for when the story will be updated, and there will likely be regular blog entries inbetween so i will link the chapters to make it easier to track.

once i get about five chapters punched out, i will probably edit the older ones with links to the new ones, and adjust the links back out of the newer ones. i don't know if that made a lot of sense but i think you get the idea. anyways, enough rambling.

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