Monday, April 30, 2018

the old guard

one other thing has happened. in fact, it happened on saturday.

cooper told everyone during my set that he was going to send out a group notice within the next few days about a name change. the old guard was going to be renamed, and everyone would be getting an invite to a new group, and ejected from the old ones. the last vestiges of tajah destroyed.

cooper leaves while i'm spinning, and the notice goes out. that the old guard was going to be renamed "d/s embraced lounge and club" with a group invite going out to the members before being ejected from the old one to close it down. no one took this decision well, and it was openly derided by everyone present.

after my shift was over, i headed off to the masquerade to dance while i mulled over the most recent changes in my mind. after parzival logged for the night when it was over, i teleported back home to rest.

while i was doing so, i get an im from bryan. he sent me a notecard, so i pulled it up to read it. flowery speech aside, it was cooper firing him as a host at the old guard.

i quit.

that was the response i sent to bryan. i quit. i'm done. i'll follow you wherever you go, i'll even follow you to hell. but i quit the old guard.

forty-eight hours later, it still doesn't feel real. every saturday for the last two years i had a shift there. when other jobs fell through and i began to drift, i always had the old guard to fall back on.

and now, now it's gone. for good. i don't intend to go back.

for the first time in two years, i don't have a shift to do. no set to build. no theme to wear.

it's kind of like my balloon popped. and for the first time in forever, i truly don't know what to do with myself. my only other gig is monthly, and the two other places that hired me have yet to open.

i guess i'll find something.

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