Thursday, July 26, 2018

bittersweet freedom

as of today, i have officially left divine sadism. i'd been thinking about it all month, and with the way i've been feeling i decided to slip back into the shadows and quasi-ghost the sim while i came to a decision. i was messaged this morning asking about my future there since i've been inactive, and i took that as an opportunity to bow out gracefully.

there are a lot of things i'm going to miss about the place, like the friends i had made and the fun games that were forever going on. and i'd be remiss if i didn't mention the lindens i made spinning tunes there.

but my path is no longer with divine sadism, so it was time to leave the sisterhood and fly solo to wherever i'm going to end up. i wish everyone there nothing but the best, they're honestly good people and with the ideas i'd implemented i know the sim will continue to do well.

freedom is bittersweet, but freedom is still freedom. i will take everything i've learned that's made me both a better kinkster, and a better person and apply that knowledge to future things.

and, she was right. i'm not a toxic person, i just need to let my light shine again.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure that your future will be Brightly Lit, by your light.
