Thursday, May 24, 2018


it's funny, that word. trust. io claims that "because of what i did" she's lost trust in me, and "even if i apologize" i won't get it back.

what makes you think i'm sorry? you've needed your ass kicked for a long goddamn time and i am personally relishing the fact that your own flesh-and-blood family has turned on you. every word that is rightfully hurled at you, every action, every behavior. you. earned. this. you can play the role of 'poor me' to everyone you want, no one believes you anymore. your lies are coming undone.

i will never apologize for unity being a predator. for speaking up because the others are too afraid. i will never apologize for people siding with me because what she did was wrong. i don't want to be unbanned from ymo, i want that sim burned to the ground and the ashes scattered to the wind. it's funny how you're listening to her though, just like i thought you would.

i have the ace in the hole though, and i don't even have to do a goddamn thing. i don't spread rumors, so the only people who know that my consent was violated are about eight people or so. well, ten counting io and spitfire. so i haven't gone around talking about it because i really don't need that kind of attention. and with my new schedule, it would be ridiculous to do so as it would cost me my jobs.

out of respect for someone very dear to me, i have removed the paragraph that was here at their request.

it's also hilarious that you had to do a trance to purge your own memories of me too, because you can't handle ever being wrong. i hope you did it wrong, i hope you fucked up and lost important things. because this is the karma you reap for yourself. this is the house of cards finally beginning to topple. and it's so, so good.

if you lost all memories of spitfire, i will laugh every day. every chance i get, because your stupidity will have ruined her. all because you're too goddamn immature for a woman in her forties.

by the way, is the "doing things you don't condone" things like divine sadism? because you brought me there, dummy. you're not my anchor, you big fat land whale on legs. you haven't been my anchor since i revoked your right to dominate me in 2016. my anchor is my support network, which, by the way, doesn't include you. you supporting me beyond lindens is fucking laughable.

instead of supporting me when i got the fantasy faire job, you whined that i didn't bring up your name too. instead of supporting me when i quit the old guard, you just talked shit. instead of supporting me when my stalker showed up, you told me to ignore him and sicced a psycho on me. that's not support, that's trying to fucking control and suppress me. you don't like it when i'm not in your shadow.

i hope your pain never goes away, that every second you take a breath you are reminded that you sided with a consent violator, therefore you are the one that cannot be trusted.

one last thing, because i'm a petty motherfucker: did you get rejected for second life's birthday event? because i didn't, and i didn't even sign up. :)

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