you know how when you write a blog, you're essentially writing for an audience? well this is me going "for the love of god, announcing to people that you not only read my blog, but you want me to stop writing about x, y, or z is really fucking irritating."
so yes, yolanda, this entry is about you. congratulations. you've finally annoyed me enough to actually call you out by name, instead of just using pronouns like a classy person does.
so here's the thing, yolanda: NOT EVERYTHING IS ABOUT YOU.
yes, i am dedicating the attention you so desperately crave in an entire entry devoted to your bullshit because i am just so goddamn tired of having to tiptoe around your horsefuckery.
fact number one: i never threatened your fucking kids, you fucking cockwaffle. that was for you. if you don't like my blog, stop fucking reading it and get some professional help because your obsession with me isn't pretty.
fact number two: the entry you fucking bitched about wasn't about you, because again, not everything is about you ya fat sack of shit.
fact number three: you need to move the fuck on.
fact number four: i do not give a flying fuck if you complain about my blog, it's my blog. lose my fucking url if you hate what i write so much. did you want a cookie? too bad. no cookie for you.
okay, with that out of the way, let's move on to other things, shall we?
i'm already aware that this blog entry is going to get back to certain people. i honestly don't fucking care because i am a grown ass adult with other shit to do. do you know how fucking irritating it is, knowing that after all this time some ignorant fat fuck is going over every entry with a fine tooth comb so she can whine about whatever bullshit she gleans from it?
it's fucking exhausting is what it is. so many things i wanted to write about, but couldn't, because the fat fucking cunt was trying to dig for non-existent dirt.
i've been the better person, i've taken the high road, i've not engaged and simply ignored.
why the fuck do i have to keep doing this? it's been a goddamn year since our falling out, and you still keep obsessively checking to see if i wrote about the great white whale or not. i openly made attempts to just write about other things, but no, yolanda had to get on her high fucking horse and bitch about things that had nothing to do with her, because she thinks it was about her.
seriously, yolanda, you need to seek professional help. obsession isn't healthy. just leave me the fuck alone. okay? okay.
oh, and nobody gives a shit about ymo because it's a fucking cult.